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Ethiopia is the World’s Fastest Growing Economy
Three of the world's fastest growing economies in 2017 are African, and Ethiopia leads the pack with a GDP growth rate 2.4x faster than the global average.

Sheba Valley: The Making of Ethiopia’s Tech Sector
Ethiopia's emerging tech ecosystem, Sheba Valley, is poised to provide the world with innovative solutions, products, and services in the coming years. Learn more.

Should African Entrepreneurs Target the Few Affluent or the Many Low-Income Consumers?
Afridigest's Editorial Board briefly explores a Harvard Business Review article that suggests the road to success in Africa involves targeting affluent consumers.

Sub-Saharan Africa is the World’s Fastest Growing Mobile Market
By 2020, sub-Saharan Africa will have more than half a billion unique mobile subscribers (around half of its population), offering great opportunities for social & commercial innovation.

Nigerian (and African) Startup Founders Should Think Globally from Day One
A Nigerian founder, Oo Nwoye, shares his perspective on how African companies should focus on growth beyond borders to reap a diverse set of benefits.

U.S. Entrepreneurs Target Africa’s Solar Opportunity
A slew of VC-funded, American solar energy startups seek to profit by electrifying African communities, per Bill McKibben in the latest issue of the New Yorker.